Subdata Selection With a Large Number of Variables
Volume 1, Issue 3 (2023), pp. 426–438
Pub. online: 15 June 2023
Type: Methodology Article
Open Access
Area: Statistical Methodology
18 May 2023
18 May 2023
15 June 2023
15 June 2023
Subdata selection from big data is an active area of research that facilitates inferences based on big data with limited computational expense. For linear regression models, the optimal design-inspired Information-Based Optimal Subdata Selection (IBOSS) method is a computationally efficient method for selecting subdata that has excellent statistical properties. But the method can only be used if the subdata size, k, is at last twice the number of regression variables, p. In addition, even when $k\ge 2p$, under the assumption of effect sparsity, one can expect to obtain subdata with better statistical properties by trying to focus on active variables. Inspired by recent efforts to extend the IBOSS method to situations with a large number of variables p, we introduce a method called Combining Lasso And Subdata Selection (CLASS) that, as shown, improves on other proposed methods in terms of variable selection and building a predictive model based on subdata when the full data size n is very large and the number of variables p is large. In terms of computational expense, CLASS is more expensive than recent competitors for moderately large values of n, but the roles reverse under effect sparsity for extremely large values of n.
Supplementary material
Supplementary MaterialThe Supplementary Material is available online and contains more performance results corresponding to the cases in Table 1.
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