When testing a statistical hypothesis, is it legitimate to deliberate on the basis of initial data about whether and how to collect further data? Game-theoretic probability’s fundamental principle for testing by betting says yes, provided that you are testing the hypothesis’s predictions by betting and do not risk more capital than initially committed. Standard statistical theory uses Cournot’s principle, which does not allow such optional continuation. Cournot’s principle can be extended to allow optional continuation when testing is carried out by multiplying likelihood ratios, but the extension lacks the simplicity and generality of testing by betting.
Testing by betting can also help us with descriptive data analysis. To obtain a purely and honestly descriptive analysis using competing probability distributions, we have them bet against each other using the principle. The place of confidence intervals is then taken by sets of distributions that do relatively well in the competition. In the simplest implementation, these sets coincide with R. A. Fisher’s likelihood ranges.