Evaluating Designs for Hyperparameter Tuning in Deep Neural Networks
Volume 1, Issue 3 (2023), pp. 334–341
Pub. online: 24 February 2023
Type: Methodology Article
Open Access
Area: Machine Learning and Data Mining
14 February 2023
14 February 2023
24 February 2023
24 February 2023
The performance of a learning technique relies heavily on hyperparameter settings. It calls for hyperparameter tuning for a deep learning technique, which may be too computationally expensive for sophisticated learning techniques. As such, expeditiously exploring the relationship between hyperparameters and the performance of a learning technique controlled by these hyperparameters is desired, and thus it entails the consideration of design strategies to collect informative data efficiently to do so. Various designs can be considered for this purpose. The question as to which design to use then naturally arises. In this paper, we examine the use of different types of designs in efficiently collecting informative data to study the surface of test accuracy, a measure of the performance of a learning technique, over hyperparameters. Under the settings we considered, we find that the strong orthogonal array outperforms all other comparable designs.
Supplementary material
Supplementary MaterialThe supplementary material includes all design matrices in terms of the natural units we used.
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