Algorithm-Based Optimal and Efficient Exact Experimental Designs for Crossover and Interference Models
Volume 1, Issue 3 (2023), pp. 361–370
Pub. online: 26 June 2023
Type: Methodology Article
Open Access
Area: Statistical Methodology
9 June 2023
9 June 2023
26 June 2023
26 June 2023
The crossover models and interference models are frequently used in clinical trials, agriculture studies, social studies, etc. While some theoretical optimality results are available, it is still challenging to apply these results in practice. The available theoretical results, due to the complexity of exact optimal designs, typically require some specific combinations of the number of treatments (t), periods (p), and subjects (n). A more flexible method is to build integer programming based on theories in approximate design theory, which can handle general cases of $(t,p,n)$. Nonetheless, those results are generally derived for specific models or design problems and new efforts are needed for new problems. These obstacles make the application of the theoretical results rather difficult. Here we propose a new algorithm, a revision of the optimal weight exchange algorithm by [1]. It provides efficient crossover designs quickly under various situations, for different optimality criteria, different parameters of interest, different configurations of $(t,p,n)$, as well as arbitrary dropout scenarios. To facilitate the usage of our algorithm, the corresponding R package and an R Shiny app as a more user-friendly interface has been developed.
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