Meta-analysis is a powerful tool for assessing drug safety by combining treatment-related toxicological findings across multiple studies, as clinical trials are typically underpowered for detecting adverse drug effects. However, incomplete reporting of adverse events (AEs) in published clinical studies is frequently encountered, especially if the observed number of AEs is below a pre-specified study-dependent threshold. Ignoring the censored AE information, often found in lower frequency, can significantly bias the estimated incidence rate of AEs. Despite its importance, this prevalent issue in meta-analysis has received little statistical or analytic attention in the literature. To address this challenge, we propose a Bayesian approach to accommodating the censored and possibly rare AEs for meta-analysis of safety data. Through simulation studies, we demonstrate that the proposed method can improve accuracy in point and interval estimation of incidence probabilities, particularly in the presence of censored data. Overall, the proposed method provides a practical solution that can facilitate better-informed decisions regarding drug safety.
Graphical models have witnessed significant growth and usage in spatial data science for modeling data referenced over a massive number of spatial-temporal coordinates. Much of this literature has focused on a single or relatively few spatially dependent outcomes. Recent attention has focused upon addressing modeling and inference for substantially large number of outcomes. While spatial factor models and multivariate basis expansions occupy a prominent place in this domain, this article elucidates a recent approach, graphical Gaussian Processes, that exploits the notion of conditional independence among a very large number of spatial processes to build scalable graphical models for fully model-based Bayesian analysis of multivariate spatial data.
Marginalization of latent variables or nuisance parameters is a fundamental aspect of Bayesian inference and uncertainty quantification. In this work, we focus on scalable marginalization of latent variables in modeling correlated data, such as spatio-temporal or functional observations. We first introduce Gaussian processes (GPs) for modeling correlated data and highlight the computational challenge, where the computational complexity increases cubically fast along with the number of observations. We then review the connection between the state space model and GPs with Matérn covariance for temporal inputs. The Kalman filter and Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother were introduced as a scalable marginalization technique for computing the likelihood and making predictions of GPs without approximation. We introduce recent efforts on extending the scalable marginalization idea to the linear model of coregionalization for multivariate correlated output and spatio-temporal observations. In the final part of this work, we introduce a novel marginalization technique to estimate interaction kernels and forecast particle trajectories. The computational progress lies in the sparse representation of the inverse covariance matrix of the latent variables, then applying conjugate gradient for improving predictive accuracy with large data sets. The computational advances achieved in this work outline a wide range of applications in molecular dynamic simulation, cellular migration, and agent-based models.